I Am So Glad To Be Alive

I could have never imagined I will able to get to this point.
Life used to be so bleak, so hopeless. Passing through days alive was a suffocating thing to do.
I hated myself a lot. I dreaded my reflection in the mirror. I hated the idea of showing my face to people.
I felt like I was unworthy of love.
I treated myself unkindly. Showering myself with judgment was my way to correct myself so I could be normal. I couldn’t accept myself as she was. I always felt I didn’t…fit in.
To fit in among happy people was my only wish. I was unhappy and it shows in my dull face. I wanted to laugh and actually mean it, not forcing it.
And now years later, my wish is granted.
The story is long, but eventually, I get here. The suffocating feeling I experienced whenever I met or talked to people has long gone. I couldn’t feel any more alive than this very moment.
I am looking forward to waking up every single day. Even in the days when it is awfully boring or frightfully mundane. Even on the days when I feel like things are going to be more difficult than yesterday.
I now have a dream. I am brave enough to have a dream.
That matters a lot. That changed everything.
I have brought back my old self. She was there all the time — deeply buried beneath the darkness that used to cloud me — waiting to resurface.
I am glad I chose to wait — for time does heal everything.